Saturday, 29 September 2007
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Tuvan throat-singing, or khöömei, is a remarkable style of traditional music where, using harmonics, one vocalist sings with two voices simultaneously. It's beautiful music and anyone who's listened to it rarely forgets the first time they heard it. But for anyone who hasn't yet had the opportunity to hear this style of singing, I'm tempted to post a recording of Bingley's version!

Sunday, 23 September 2007
The good, the bad & the Bingley

Some of you might be a bit concerned that we're being too timid with Bingley's big wide world adventures, and that we're not taking him out to see lots of new places. But at the moment we don't have the use of a car so we're dependent on the Metro to get us out and about. Going further afield with Bingley is definitely on our agenda, in fact we can hardly wait: but first of all we were keen that he should be walking to heel and not leaping up to greet every person he meets.

He heeled politely and enthusiastically all the way to the bottom of the Metro station steps. He can't 'do' steps yet, so we were fully prepared to have to carry him up. What we didn't expect is that he wouldn't go anywhere near them in the first place. His ears went flat, his paws dug in and no amount of gentle pulling would persuade him to get close.
Well, we were going to carry him up anyway so we might as well do it from here, we thought. Once up the stairs we had to cross a footbridge to reach the ramp onto the platform: he padded along the bridge okay, but then wouldn't go down the covered ramp until Jane went first. All of this took time: we didn't rush him or force him and we did consider calling it a day long before we got onto the platform. We should have paid more attention to out feelings!

By the time we got down there we'd already realised that there was no way that Bingley would want to actually get onto a Metro, so once we felt sure that he was comfortable staying there on the platform we stopped to watch a few trains come & go. He didn't seem to be at all phased by that and the only problem we had was convincing him that all the people getting off the Metro really weren't on a Bingley pilgrimage.

Once off the platform and back onto familiar territory his tail started wagging again and things quickly returned to normal. In fact the rest of the walk was great fun: we spent a while playing around on Bingley's field, then we took him onto a quiet hilly annexe where he had his first off-lead romp. At last! This is something we've wanted to do for a while, but usually there are too many distractions that would likely have him charging across the field into goodness knows what kind of misadventures. But this morning the area was very quiet, Bingley was pretty tired and we thought it would be a good opportunity to let him off the lead. He loved it! And so did we. He bunched himself up and raced around the whole area, but as we'd expected he didn't wander far and kept stopping to make sure that we were still there. What’s more, whenever we called him he came bounding over! It gave us all such a great sense of freedom, and it was a marvellous uplift after the awful experience earlier.

Thursday, 20 September 2007
Tooth fairy

I can't believe how quickly this has started to happen, but Bingley's baby teeth have begun to fall out. Just the tiny teeth at the front, but there are enough gaps to make him look like even more of a lout as he hangs his paws over the baby gate. We haven't actually found any of these teeth yet: the small ones will (I imagine) simply be swallowed; but the larger ones I really do fancy keeping - though if they end up being swallowed as well, then I'm not going to sort through his poo in order to find them. Nevertheless they'd make a nice memento, I think.
However, this time when he left the yard and tried taking off, he found himself back in the yard staring at the closed gates once more. It startled him the first time - the shortest walk ever! I waited a moment and tried again: no difference. It took, wait for it, 15 attempts...but then it worked. And not only that, he walked to heel for virtually the entire outing. The more experienced dog handlers amongst you will know just how good that feels: after two days of shoulder-wrenching tugboat pulling, to have him quietly trot to heel. Yes!

Monday, 17 September 2007
Totally lush dog

...is how one of the local children described Bingley recently!
It's been a hectic few days but we've still been managing to take Bingley out for his regular walks. Each day seems to bring new adventures and fresh developments: for example, over the weekend we've had to bin over half of his toys. The reason? Quite simply, his teeth!
The daily walks do nothing to alleviate this ferocious chewing, but he always falls asleep soon after our return and he hasn't yet learned to chew in has sleep (though I have to mention, indiscreetly, that I heard him gently snoring this afternoon!). The walks are good fun...on the whole! He's definitely starting to get the hang of walking to heel whilst we're on the pavement; taking him onto the field is a different matter, but I'm happy to give him some leeway there. Not that I have a great deal of choice: some of those smells are just tooooo tempting. In fact, parts of our circuit I've had too start avoiding altogether - he seems to have acquired a bizarre (to me at least) taste for goose droppings. As always, I'm not sure if this would be harmful to him; I've heard that dogs will eat horse manure, and goose manure isn't that different - just smaller and not as easy to spot before it’s too late. Nevertheless, the sight of his smeary tongue after he's chewed a dollop isn't appealing, and I think that I'd rather he didn't. The list of things he does which I'd rather he didn't do is, of course, getting longer; and the list isn't, as I'm learning, likely to come to an end any time soon. Nevertheless, I have to admit that as I stood there this afternoon and listened to him quietly snoring, that list was easily forgotten.