Bingley's bed has been heavily used for over a month now and he not only sleeps in it, he also chews and slobbers all over it. Add to that the not always pleasant things he stores there (stones, coal, leaves, and bits of snails are just the start) and you can imagine that by this stage it was getting a bit sticky! Time for a wash, and time to pull out the reserve bed - which we hadn't bought yet!
So this week we were back down at Pets At Home, assessing things with a more experienced eye. When I bought Bingley's bed from Ikea I didn't think that there was a significant difference between that one at £14.99 and the £50 items at PAH. But of course there is a huge difference: the new bed which we chose is more luxurious and much sturdier. Bingley likes to rest his chin on the 'pillow' of his basket, and this new one has a really firm, comfortable pillow - as well as a lovely cushioned base which will keep him nice and cosy.
Once home we decided to surprise him with his new den; so Jane took him out whilst I gave his room its weekly thorough clean, before laying out the new bed and letting Bing back in. There was no problem whatsoever with the transition!

He dashed back in, tentatively sniffed around this new item, then looked up at us for permission: 'Is it ok if I do this?' he seemed to ask! Then he dived straight in (literally!) and charged all over it - chewing and snuffling out every corner. The bed's got very large pillows with deep corners perfect for hiding things, and he loves pushing his muzzle deep into the folds - hiding and then looking for his toys or treats, or anything else that might be stashed away.

The new bed has been a huge success - for all of us!

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