It’s hard to believe that it’s been over twenty years since Del La Soul released their debut album 3 Feet High and Rising. At the time it sounded like the kind of hip-hop that might be heard on Sesame Street, and in this house the album was on repeat play throughout the summer of 1989.
It’s just as hard to believe that little Del La Bingley is celebrating his third birthday on this sunny Saturday morning. That’s 3 years old and counting, but he’s still very much a puppy and would absolutely love to play with the Sesame Street gang. Of course Bert would have to keep a careful eye on him otherwise Oscar the Grouch would be knocked over and Big Bird sent flying. But fun would be had and Cookie Monster would surely be Bingley’s best buddy.
Bing would also like Del La Soul; their gentle, Daisy Age hip-hop would chime right in with his never ending friendly ebullience.
The Magic Number is the opening track of Del La Soul’s classic debut, but three might indeed be the magic number: so far this year the rising pollen count doesn’t seem to be affecting Bingley’s allergies, and that’s something of a first.
This morning we’re listening to that opening track again and singing along with The Magic Number as we celebrate the birthday of another classic: Happy Birthday Bingley!!

Have a happy bingley birthday (got to be better than an ordinary birthday!). As an aside, am I the only one slightly disconcerted with how au fait you are with the cast of Sesame Street?
Tracey, Jim & Ben xxx
Hi, Tracey, Jim & Ben
A Bingley birthday is certainly like no other, at least for the non-canine members of the Binghouse! As far as the birthday boy is concerned it's just a day with even more treats and cuddles than usual!
And yes, you're right: now I come to think about it, it is a little bit disconcerting to realise than I'm more familiar with the cast of Sesame Street than I am, say, with the cast of the new Lib-Con coalition. But there again I reckon that Dave & Nick could learn a lot from Ernie & Bert: http://www.sesamestreet.org/video_player/-/pgpv/videoplayer/0/8227e95b-1555-11dd-8211-118ee0e6e3e7/ernie_shares_bert_s_cookie
Happy Birthday Bingley. I stumbled across your blog and it's lovely. I have a Choccie Lab too. She's only 7 months old and looks a lot like Bingley (he is gorgeous). We live in Sydney and she loves to go swimming and all the outdoor fun she can get. PS - your images are great.
Hello Polleigh, thank you so much for your greetings from Sydney, they’ve made Bingley feel really special! We’re thrilled that you’ve stumbled across the blog – we started it so that family and friends could share the excitement of watching Bingley grow up, but through it we’ve also made many more new friends. Please do tell us what your 7 month old Choccie is called – we’d love to see some photos of her!
Bingley might be 3 years old but he certainly doesn’t show it – he’s still got a great deal in common with a little pupster who’s only 7 months! I don’t think that the choccies ever grow up!
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