Friday 18 January 2008

Junior Bing

Bingley was back to the vet today, and it turns out that the little lad has a minor ear infection; it's nothing serious and hopefully the medication will sort things out over the next week or so.

I called him little lad, but of course that's less and less the case these days. The time when I could work out his weight by easily picking him up and standing on the bathroom scales, before deducting my own weight from the total, is over. So whilst we were with the vet we had him weighed.

She reminded us that he's going to be a big dog; but she also officially confirmed that he's no longer just a puppy.

We now have a 35 kilo junior!

Maybe that accounts for some of his recent teenage behaviour? And more about that, no doubt, later.

But just how much bigger is he gonna get? The way things are heading I'm going to have to build an extension to his dog house!

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